Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My thing's bigger than your thing

Pain, guilt, shame, unforgivness, and comparison... some of the key reasons we get in the way of God's plans of abundance for our lives. I call his voice and blessing the RAIN, and the things that interfere, our umbrellas.

Yes, comparison is a dream killer. We compare our morality, (at least I'm better than so and so). We compare our success by the number or zero's on the end of our salary. It's a bunch or crap, and not how the universe works.

If we understand that God RAIN represents his passion and plan for us, it represents, tears, sorrow, healing, rejuvination, connection and pure love. If we understand, more importantly, that the rain falls equally on us all, it SOAKS us thoroughly, it is the ultimate expression of equal opportunity, and that all we need to do is GET OUT OF THE WAY of the brilliant purpose God created each of us to fulfill, we can finally realize how silly it is to compare ourselves to anyone else. Quit“shoulding” on yourselves beautiful people, quit focusing on your mistakes, quit holding grudges, quit comparing yourself to ANYONE, and for goodness sake, quit TRYING HARDER. (It doesn't work). All you need to do is put down your umbrella, stand in the RAIN, hear it, FEEL it, SOAK in it. Your life will never be ordinary again.